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A lot goes on Behind the State. Find out how governments should communicate with the people; garner citizens buy-in and develop policies to effectively manage the State.



BtS Vol 1, Issue 11: Ending the Rape Scourge in Africa

Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 35% of women have faced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. Apart from the culture of the crime, rape is also one of the hardest crimes to prosecute.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 13 | Africa-China Debt Relationship: A ticking time bomb

Sino-African relations predate the 21st century, but an increased focus on establishing long-term relationships began in 1996 when then-President, Jiang Zemin, assembled other Chinese dignitaries for bilateral dialogue across the continent.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 12: Communication: Citizens are Tired of “Hide and Seek” with Government

Richard Boeckel wrote in 1920 “the first requisite to being an elected President in this new age of publicity is to have a story of the kind that will appeal to the people, the second is to have the kind of a press organization that will get the story to them”.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 11: Ending the Rape Scourge in Africa

Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 35% of women have faced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. Apart from the culture of the crime, rape is also one of the hardest crimes to prosecute.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 10: COVID-19 and the Politics of Vulnerability

While the Coronavirus pandemic remains a global challenge, there are certain groups that are particularly vulnerable to both the disease and its secondary social impact.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 9: What Nigeria must do to win the war on pandemics

The Coronavirus has been referred to as the invisible enemy and countries all over the world are implementing aggressive measures to attack the spread of the disease.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 8: Preparing for a Post-Covid-19 Africa

In the last months, the world has witnessed a shift which has influenced the entire understanding of economies, work structures, and communication as we knew it.

BTS Vol 1, Issue 7: Search for Security

Security is a global problem and as technology has improved migration, countries are collaborating to offer global solutions. Intercontinental solutions like International Police (Interpol) handle the worst cross-border crimes.

BTS Vol 1, Issue 6: Counting the Cost of a Unified Currency

It is implied that with the creation of a single currency known as the Eco, governments will cede national political authority to ECOWAS institutions but how prepared are the member states for this?

BtS Vol 1, Issue 5: Evaluating Nigeria’s Latest Visa on Arrival Policy

Where is the United State of Africa that the founding fathers of the Organization for African Union (OAU) conceived?

BtS Vol 1, Issue 4: Rethinking Nigerians’ Social Freedom

The media is a double-edged tool that is indispensable in the scheme of governance. Historical evidence abounds to show it can be deployed to serve unscrupulous ends, and create social discord.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 3: The Task Of Taxing Citizens

The government of Nigeria is keen on exploring alternative avenues to generating revenue. Evident in its unflinching resolve to increase existing tax rates

BtS Vol 1, Issue 1: AfCFTA

Fun Fact: If like us, you’ve wondered why air travel within Africa is so expensive, you’re in luck. We went digging and found that it’s linked to the non-implementation of this Yamoussoukro Decision.

BtS Vol 1, Issue 2: The Future of African Unity

Trends across the world have brought to light the fact that it takes more than establishing a coalition of states such as the European or African Union to have true unity.

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