Our business is nation building
StateCraft Inc. is a full service governance communication firm with expertise in elections, citizen engagement, policy development and implementation, and strategic government relations and communication.

We create moments and movements that inspire deep connections with real causes in order to enhance the standing of our individual and institutional clients in the eyes of citizens who are progressively demanding higher standards.
By amplifying the detail through strategic media and platform management, we always establish indelible digital and traditional footprints for our clients using compelling content across channels.
We are finely attuned to popular aspirations across African nations, and our experience in winning national and local elections is unrivaled.
We connect and align the peculiar desires of any people with the visions of perceptive candidacies.
We bring rare expertise to the development and implementation of policies while securing passionate buy-in, goodwill, ownership, and sustainability for the policy throughout its life cycle from design to outcome.
We help sustain crucial goodwill throughout the lifespan of governments to enable leaders and public office holders respond effectively to citizen demand, align with expectations and build a framework of trust, understanding, and involvement.
We understand that systems can be maximised to influence and modify behaviours so we translate ‘noise’ into ‘voice’ and then, ‘action’, giving movements the framework and platform to evolve from pressure groups to effective actors that achieve impactful outcomes.
We are exceedingly established in monitoring systems and practices to detect early warning signals of risk exposure while providing quick strategies and executing speedy actions to minimise damage, and where necessary, ensure quick recovery.
We are always innovative with the use of data to create the right strategy, coin the right messaging and deploy the most effective communication to get your message across to the desired audience, particularly in ways that cater to growing demands for diversity and inclusivity.
Our experience in driving citizen engagement and good governance through people-led movements gives us unique insights into implementing effective and sustainable citizen participation programmes.
We monitor, review and analyse the public’s perception of our individual clients in order to enhance their standing in the eyes of an ever-evolving citizenry.
With an exceptional record of winning uphill elections across the African continent, StateCraft Inc. combines a global outlook with data-backed local insights to achieve compelling results on behalf of each client.
Nigerian political strategist Adebola Williams, 33, who co-founded Enough is Enough, told Foreign Policy that “we can’t always expect change at our own terms.” Williams would know this, as a young African who is credited with having helped elect two presidents. He was the communications manager for Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari.