Yabo Umar Yusuf, born in 1986, is a dedicated male representative and a prominent figure from Sokoto State, Nigeria. He currently serves as a Member in the House of Representatives, National Assembly, where he actively participates in the legislative process and advocates for the welfare of his constituents.

Hailing from Sokoto, Yabo Umar Yusuf carries the rich heritage and traditions of his state as he represents the interests of Shagari/Yabo in the National Assembly. His journey in public service is marked by a deep commitment to addressing the needs and concerns of his constituency.

As a Member of the House of Representatives, Yabo Umar Yusuf plays a pivotal role in shaping legislation and policies that impact the lives of the people he serves. His dedication to his responsibilities reflects his unwavering commitment to the betterment of his community and Sokoto State as a whole.

Yabo Umar Yusuf’s presence in the National Assembly is a testament to his dedication to public service and his commitment to being a strong voice for the people of Shagari/Yabo. His journey continues as he works tirelessly to bring about positive change and progress for his constituents and the broader Nigerian society.