Aisha Yesufu is a prominent Nigerian citizen renowned for her unwavering commitment to demanding good governance, accountability, and transparency. Fearless and unapologetic in her stance, she tirelessly fights for justice and equity, embodying the spirit of activism in Nigeria.

As a businesswoman, Aisha teaches financial literacy to empower individuals, enabling them to achieve financial independence and assert their voices in advocating for good governance. Her dedication to empowering others extends beyond the business realm, as she actively engages in grassroots initiatives aimed at fostering social and economic empowerment.

Aisha Yesufu is a pivotal member of the #BringBackOurGirls movement, advocating tirelessly for the rescue of schoolgirls abducted from their school in 2014. Serving as the immediate past Chairperson of the movement’s strategic team, she continues to amplify the voices of the oppressed and marginalized.

In the #EndSars protests, Aisha emerged as a symbol of courage and resilience, defying police brutality and standing firm in the face of adversity. Her courageous stance earned her the moniker “statue of liberty” and solidified her position as a beacon of hope for Nigerians fighting for justice.

Recognized for her impactful contributions, Aisha Yesufu was named one of BBC 100 Women in 2020, a testament to her inspiring leadership and influence on a global scale. Additionally, she is honored as a Reagan Fascell Fellow and a Draper Hills Fellow, further highlighting her dedication to advancing democratic principles and human rights.

Aisha Yesufu’s tireless advocacy, fearless activism, and commitment to empowering others have positioned her as a leading figure in Nigeria’s quest for social justice and democratic reform. Her unwavering resolve and steadfast determination continue to inspire countless individuals, both locally and internationally, as she champions the cause of equity, justice, and accountability.